Real Estate Solutions

Imagine you are a potential homeowner driving around and see that house you may want to buy.  But the only information available to you is an agent phone number on the lawn sign.  You call the number but no one answers the phone and the flyer box is empty, so you drive away.  Now there is a solution.  RET Solutions has a platform that allows house hunters to request and instantly receive property listing information using their mobile phones.  Potential home buyers text a 3 digit code to a designated phone number for the broker, that is displayed on the Rider signs, requesting more information.  Within seconds a text is sent to their mobile phone with complete information about the property including number of beds, baths, and price with pictures, agent number, map, satellite images of neighborhood, and GPS driving directions.  Potential customers could receive this information sitting in the car in front of the home for sale, while at home, or at any time of their choosing.  Best of all, the information requests are kept in a database and sent to the agents of the home listing, so they can follow-up and offer their services to the potential customers. 

Promoting your website on your yard Rider signs and newspaper ads may get customers to visit your website later, but you will not know who visited and many will just move on to other realtor websites.  By promoting your automated text solution, it allows your potential customer to get the information immediately when their interest is at it's highest, but also allows you to follow-up on the lead with a phone call.  This can save you money with shorter ads and lead to significantly more leads.  The text solution works on all phones, so potential customers need not have a smart phone to receive additional information about your properties.